Join the MCA
The Montana Chiropractic Association
Benefits of MCA Membership:
- Get protection for your license to practice.
- Get help enhancing the scope of your practice.
- Develop your professional growth through continuing education and leadership opportunities.
- Receive a source of valuable information so you stay up-to-date.
- Establish professional contacts.
- Have a representative for your interests so you have more time to focus on your practice.
- Find opportunities for career advancement, practice development, and personal growth.
- Get discounts on materials and CE.
Ask the Billing and Coding Experts:
- Ask the Billing and Coding Expert provides an important resource to help answer Medicare coding and billing questions. Answers are provided by Susan McClelland of McClelland Consulting, LLC, a billing and coding expert.
- The MCA has contracted with Rocky Mountain Health Network (RMHN) for members to submit questions that pertain to issues such as covered services, claims processing, and network participation for commercial insurances, and Montana Medicaid. (RMHN’s services through this member benefit are limited to answering your questions; it does not include working claims.)
Leadership Opportunities
- Find opportunities to lead on a state level.
Membership Online
MCA’s website provides you with information accessible at your convenience. Features include:
- Members-only access
- Legislative information
- Meeting information
- Online membership directory
- Pertinent links, research articles, and other professional information
- Buyers guide
- Classified Ads
Legislative & Regulatory Advocacy:
- MCA’s lobbyist forges through Montana’s complex political arena to protect and advance your profession
- MCA represents your interests at state regulatory entities such as the Montana Department of Labor, State Fund and Board of Chiropractors
- Works with Medicaid and Medicare
- Provides answers to billing questions, initial, basic legal issues and third-party reimbursement questions
- MCA Member Updates will notify you of the latest updates and deadlines in the Chiropractic profession. You also receive a membership directory which provides you with buyers guide, legislative, state and national information. It also provides you with contact information of other MCA members.
Continuing Education:
- An annual conference and exhibit hall are offered each year. This conference provides an opportunity to obtain continuing education credits, be informed of the latest products and procedures, visit with vendors about new products on the market today that could benefit your profession and network with colleagues.
- Special value registration packages for members at MCA conferences.
- All MCA courses are Montana State Board approved.